Where does your donation go?
Last year it cost Walsall Society for the Blind over £356,000 to support the sight loss community of Walsall. We are hugely grateful to everyone who donates to us.
We always ensure that we spend every penny wisely and we’re proud to say that:
* 88p in every £1 raised goes directly to funding our sight loss support services.
* The remaining 12p in every £1 is used to help us raise the next £1.

£10 could fund two safe and well telephone calls to people who are isolated.

£25 could provide a one-to-one assistive technology training session to someone with sight loss.

£50 would cover the cost of a Community Outreach home visit to someone with sight loss.

£75 could fund our Talking News and Magazine service for a day, a lifeline service for those living alone.

£100 could cover the cost of someone attending our Social Activity Centre for the day.

£150 could help us buy new equipment for our service users to try out and borrow.