Training & Awareness

At Walsall Society for the Blind we believe that providing awareness training to local businesses, health care and education settings is vital.
It is important for people to know about sight loss, especially children, as ‘blindness’ is one of the hardest disabilities for sighted people to deal with.
We find that by taking the time to explain to people the reasons behind why someone may lose their sight, and describing how they live their lives can completely change people’s idea of sight loss.
It also helps employers to support staff and customers affected by sight loss.
Not everyone with a visual impairment has a guide dog, white cane and big dark glasses and it is important to get this message across as people’s perception of blindness is often misleading.
Only 4% of ‘blind’ people cannot see anything, most have some form of vision and lead a very productive ‘normal’ lifestyle.
Awareness training is given at schools, nursing homes, hospitals and in local businesses. We also attend awareness and open days across Walsall giving advice on all sorts of issues including:
- Benefits
- Guiding
- Products, aids and adaptations
- Services
- Grants
How to book
To arrange an education and training session, or to find out where we will be attending next, please call us on 01922 627 683.