
Being registered as Blind or Partially Sighted is entirely your own decision. However, becoming registered can entitle you to certain benefits and concessions, like TV license reductions, parking permits and travel passes. It may also make it easier for you to access local services.
How do I become Registered?
Certification is carried out by your Consultant Opthalmologist, who will decide if you are eligible to be certified. They will complete a Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI – also known as a BD8) which you and your Consultant will sign. The CVI contains your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and most importantly your visual function and your diagnosis.
What happens now?
Following your certification, the Consultant will then forward the CVI to us for registration. At this point you will be given your own unique registration number, which will appear on your registration card.
A copy of your CVI is also sent to your GP, the Department of Health and a copy is kept at the hospital. You will also receive your own copy through the post.
We will then write to you, acknowledging receipt of your CVI and telephone you within five days. The reason for this is to assess whether you are interested in accessing our other services, such as the Talking Newspaper and Magazine service, Community Officer or Social Activities Centre.
You may feel at this point that you are not ready for any contact, advice or services. This again, is entirely your choice. We find that many people do not require anything at first, but we do enclose our contact number so that you are able to contact us at any time if you need to.
We work very closely with the Sensory Support Team, who are the Visual Impairment division of Social Services. They are able to offer basic living skills training such as, mobility training and kitchen skills (for example preparing and cooking meals, making hot drinks etc). Every new registration in the Borough is automatically referred to Sensory Support, and they will contact you in due course.
We can advise you every step of the way with regards to registration.
Our Registration Officer can be contacted on 01922 627 683.